Conv7215 02-15-2007spacelog/sailing6.htm

Spaceship Earth
Sailing record 1981 to present
Edwin & Wendy Cutler


Sailing6 record of our sailing ports since 1981

       Ed Cutler had been doing NASA contracts for 15 hears and decided to do nothing in the year 1981. He googles Sailing Yachts and called Chesapeake Yachts. He offered to deliver boats for them and they arranged to fly Ed and Wendy to St. Lucia in the eastern Caribbean. They would put us on a boat as crew with a captain and pay for everything. Fly to St Lucia to deliver a boat to Chesapeake
       Captain Trevor Robertson, becomes a long time friend
       Bought Romarin in Annapolis from John Anthony
       Moved to Greenbelt apartment
       Sailed in and out of Solomon's on the Chesapeake Bay
       Sailed in and out of South River

       1104: cast off from Annapolis heading south
       Sailed through Bahamas
0508: Turks & Caicos (rebuilt starter eight times on my birthday!)
       San Juan, PR
       St Croix
       Grenada, saw Brooks who used to work on the Romarin
       PSV to visit John & Casey
          card we mailed them six months earlier,
          arrived one night during a party
       Grenada, experienced the aftermath of the Rescue Mission
       Christmas in Venezuela

       Los Roques
       A place that changed from fear to island pleasur. Aves
       Serana Bank

       Seranilla Bank, no island, just surrounding reefs, awesome
       0508: Swan Island (Ed's Birthday)
       Pensacola, visited Jack & Mildred
       Dry Tortugas
       Savannah (Andy)
       New York (w/Bruce)
       Newport, RI (George Day)
       1001: Martha's Vineyard
           sailed to NYC nonstop on
           a north easter
           thru the race on a flood tide
           down the East River on an ebb tide
           anchored below the Statue of Liberty.
       New York
       1113: headed into Atlantic, bound for Bermuda, 15 ft. seas in Gulf Stream
1987: Bermuda
       0107: started work at Bermuda tracking station NASA
       0100: wrote Caribbean Kiss
       0700: Hurrican Arlene
       0910: Rusty died (Ed wrote a poem that was published in Bermuda)
       0925: Hurricane Emily, 115 knot winds
       1100: six months leave from Allied Research to sail south
       1127: Broke mast near St. Martin, scarfed in a splice
       1227: engine seized so we sailed 3000 miles with no engine.

       1988: Antigua

       St. Lucia (Saw Trevor, our delivery captain)
       Union (Called PSV John had just left)
       0530: returned to Bermuda, 3000 miles with no engine
       started West of Wisdom
       worked at Bermuda tracking station, NASA
1989: Bermuda
       worked at Bermuda tracking station, NASA
       taught at U.Md & Chicago
1990: Bermuda
       worked at Bermuda tracking station, NASA
       taught at U.Md & Chicago
1991: Bermuda
       worked at Bermuda tracking station, NASA
       taught at U.Md & Chicago
       Holloween storm: moved Eleuthera glass wall bridge
       broke Nassau breakwater
       Christmas in Hong Kong w/Gerry and Marianne
1992: Bermuda
       worked at NASA
       taught at U.Md & Chicago
       1104: Left Bermuda for Antigua after 7 years
       19 day passage to Antigua, 950 miles, relaxed slow passage

1993: Antigua
       03: Storm of the Century in U.S.A.
           saw it on satellite images three days before NWS warned
       04: Morton & Maxine visited at Georgetown,s
       07: Bottom job in Man-o-war, hot weather, W reacts to latex gloves
       08-09: to cool off we stowed Romarin in Ft. Lauderdale
           flew to Seattle and took the Marine Highway
           up the west coast to Alaska
           Seattle, Skagway, Fairbanks, Mt. McKinley, Anchorage,
       Seward, Juneau, Sitka, Pr. Ruppert

       We took train across Canada to Jasper,
      rented car, Roger's Pass, Lake Louise, Banff
       train to Toronto, Montreal, Albany, NY,
       Washington DC, Ft. Lauderdale
       10: built water tanks into Romarin

1994: Pompano
       01: sailed down the Florida Keys
       0601-06: Queen's Birthday Storm in South Pacific
       0702-06: Fire on Storm King mountain,NW Colorado
       We felt both of these tragedies could have been avoided
       if they had looked at satellite weather images.
       Sailed from Key West past Cay Sal, across tongue of ocean

      Georgetown, Hog Cay cut, Ragged Island,
       Deadman's Cay, Crooked Island, Hogsty Reef,
       Great Inagua, Turks,
       repaired Nicro Press rigging fittings anchored behind Great
          Sand Cay
       sailed to St. Martin for a dental appointment

      0910: Morton & Maxine fly to St. Martin (peak of Hurr season)
       Statia, Guadaloupe, Saints, Martinique, StLucia, Antigua
1995: Antigua
       Hauled in Antigua Shipyard
       coming wedding in Spokane Washington
       should we leave Romarin in Antigua?
       07: decided to make a 15 day passage Antiqua to Ft. Laud.
       fortunately because would have lost her in hurricanes
       07-08: Hurricanes in St. Martin and Antigua
       0807: Left Romarin in Ft. Lauderdale and flew
             to daughter Valerie's wedding in Spokane
       08: Presentation to NWS in D.C.
           Sailors want an image every two hours to predict
           weather system motions
       0822: purchased Bookit/Spaceship in Annapolis
       0900: sailed Spaceship to Ft. Laud
       1100: wintered at Hendrick's Isle
1996: Ft Lauderdale
       0300: sailed down inside keys to Marathon
       sailed Hawk Channel outside Florida keys to Key West
       Gerry & Marianne, Rose Marie & Rich visited in Key West
            all six of us slept on Spaceship
       Shark River no seeums! then up west coast to St. Pete's
       0521: Hauled Spaceship: fixed log shaft leak, bottom job
           tornado off Appalachicola, diameter of sprayed water
           three times the length of Spaceship. Hurricanes at
           sea seldom hit anything. Hurricanes on shore alway
           hits things.
       Aligators in Lake Wimico,
           we witness a young Osprey's first flight
       Stayed at the Pensacola Yacht Club
       0704: started back down west coast of Florida
       watched Blue Angels perform
       stopped at tween waters, then on south to Key West
       Sold Romarin to Laurie Frazer and Bill Rawson of Key West
       Grandson Eric visited in Key West. He and Ed flew Ultralights
       Son Tim visited, sailed up to Ft. Laud
       1207: crossed to Bimini
       1213: arrived South Bight, Andros, stayed six months
1997: Andros
       01,02,03: worked on Caribbean Kiss in Andros
       04,05: Andros to Cay Sal, never met a sailor who has sailed there
            marooned Cubans die, we didn't know they were in trouble
            and sailed on to Key West, where we read of their
            misfortune in the paper.
       05 in KeyWest: Wind Generator, Water Generator, Solar Panels
       0715-29 Ben visits Spaceship in Key West,sailed to Bimini
       08,09,10: We stayed at brother Gerry's, worked on Caribbean Kiss
       12: rented apt @ 2621 NE first str, Pompano Beach
1998: Pompano
       01xx: Finished another version of Caribbean kiss
       0220: Ed attended Florida Romance Writer's of America
       0225: Ed came down with a bronchial cold
       0304: Wendy " " " " " "
       0317: Doctor Farber says it's Trachial Bronchitus
       0325: We seem to have recovered, cured by Antibiotics
       0408 0416: Visited Tim in Colorado, skied at Vale
       0622-30: We flew to Rio de Janeireo for a week,
              loved it, came back sick.
       0715-17: Sailed from Hillsboro, down the Hawk Channel to Key West
       07xx Sailed to Dry Tortugas
             swam with leopard rays and nurse sharks, then back to Hillsboro
       08xx Wendy visited grandchildren in North Carolina
             When hurricane Fran threatened, she worried aboout me
             in Key West. But it passed over NC and knocked down
             trees that punched holes in the roof where she was staying.
       0909-29 W.E. fly to visit Morton and Maxine in California
       1008 W.E. fly to Amy's for Aunt Esther's 90th birthday
       1019 W.E. Train to Jane Ellen's in Albany NY
       1022 W.E. Train to Bruce and Ingrid in NYC
       1024-1220 W.E. take Regal Empress around S. America (59 days)
            Our only cruise ship. Hurricane Mitch missed us but
            killed 10,000 Hondurans in mud slides.

           Through the Panama Canal and down the west coast of
            South America with a stop over to Machu Pichu.

           Regal Empress Cruise around South America

           Through the Straights of Magellan with strong winds
           and ice bergs from a glacier

up to the east coast to Rio de Janerio.
           Visited the mighty Iguassu Falls

       Fortaleza, Brazil then on to the mouth of the Amazon.
       Return to Florida
       1225 Christmas dinner with brother Gerry & Marianne in Pompano

1999: Heading east for the Bahamas
       01: Cleaned up Spaceship, moved aboard from apartment
       0120 Bought SSC Polar Satellite System, mever really used it.
             preferred Hoot's stationary Wefax.
       0125 Weather Wizard arrived (never installed)
       0129 Cast off from Pompano for the Bahamas

0302 Happy Birthday Wendy in Nassau

           0330 Finley Cay and Schooner Cays sandbores, 1999
             we don't know any other sailor who has sailed the
             Schooner Cay sandbores. We are explorers.

           Rock Sound, 1999

       0420 Georgetown, Great Exuma Island, Bahamas
       0424 dinner with Fred Schreiber
       0520 Valerie set up
             Homepage for our adventure stories
       0529 Left Georgetown bound for appointment with a dentist
             in Philipsberg, St. Martin.
             We had a schedule and a terrible sail
       0624 Hauled @ Bobby's Marina,
             they bent our prop shaft, replaced it and rebuild rudder support
             bought Sony PCR-DC1 Digital Camcorder in Philipsberg
       0721 sailed Spaceship down to St. Lucia
       0729-0810 Wendy visited N.C. and lost her passport
       0825-0827 WE flew to Barbados for a new Wendy Passport
       1006 Sailed St. Lucia to St. Vincent and Bequia to see Bob Law
       1109 Engine overheated, Fixman fiasco
       1117 Hurricane with no wind
             Engine apart, huge swells in Admiralty Bay, Bequi
             almost lost Spaceship,
             much damage on lee side of West Indies islands
       1225 Christmas in Antigua, what a wonderful place.
2000: Caribbean
       0101 New Year in Antigua
       0105 Aunt Esther died at 96, we flew to Amy's for funeral
       0227 sailed to down to Trinidad
       0512 Stowed Spaceship and Flew to England,
             visited Norway, Switzerland, France, England
       07xx Boarded Independent Venture, England to Richmond VA
       08xx rented car to visit Washington, NC, GA, FL
       0907 Flew out of Miami to Trinidad
       0918 painted Spaceship hull with Jotun BB99 Red
       1101 Sailed from Trinidad to Grenada
       1210 Arrived Bequia, saw Marianne formerly of Fridag
             who we had met in Venezuela in 1985.
       12xx Arrived Antigua for another Christmas and New Year
2001: Caribbean to Nova Scotia
       01xx Left Antigua
             sailed past Volcano on Monserrat, dust on Spaceship
             Anchored in the lee of Isla Aves at 15 38N, 63 37W
             Aves is a Venezuelan Island in the middle of the
             eastern Caribbean. Few sailors have ever been there,
              (we are explorers)

       Then on to St.John, Puerto Rico, Dominican Rep
             Westward south of Haiti with gale winds and 12 ft. seas.
             Dead Calm in the Windwrd Passage, boarded by U.S. coast guard.
       0207 Jumento Cays, through Hog Cay cut to Georgetown, Bahamas
       0212 Arrived Ft Lauderdale, parked in #90 Isle of Venice
       04xx Print & bound Caribbean Kiss, sent to some publishers
       0503 right Ft. Laud bound north hoping to lay Newfoundland
       0512 David Rhind's at Jacksonville
       0522 Beaufort, NC, Oriental
             sailed out of Ocracoke into Gulf Stream
             Force ten winds heading for New Port, RI, north of Gulf Steam
       0601 Newport, RI. after squally passage up Gulf Stream
       08xx sailed through Bra d'Or lakes and on to Newfoundland
             fog as we approached 47 34N 59 10W Port aux Basques
             they saw us on their radar and guided us into harbor
             Sailed east along the southern coast. clear mornings
             and days with fog in late afternoon. GPS and radar used
             to pass invisible rocks and into safe anchorages.

       Ice bergs come down from Greenland and run aground off Newfoundland

09xx returned to Baddeck and rented a mooring

Now you see it, Now you don't

       0911 Terrorist attacks on New York and Pentagon
       1001 Moved from Spaceship into cabin at 5 Kennedy Dr. Baddeck
       10xx Spaceship hauled & winterized at Baddeck Marine
       1215 Snow, first we've seen after years in the Caribbean
2002: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
       0221 Caribbean Kiss completed, with helpful edits by Annie Hill
       0701 We sail 4 weeks exploring the Bras d'Or lakes
       1115 Spaceship hauled & winterized at Baddeck Marine

2003: We fly to Tahiti to authenticate scenes for West of Wisdom
       0103 Train from Baddeck to Jane Ellen's in the dead of winter
       0108 W.E. fly to Morton's in California
       0112 WE fly to Tahiti
       0113 BoraBora
       0116 Arannui to Marquesas and Tuamotus

       0131 Moorea
       0204 Papeete
       0208 After a month in the South Pacific
             We fly back to Morton's
       0211 We visit Little Vanita and Elmer in Yuma Arizona
       0215 Death Valley
       0218 WE fly to Jane Ellen's (still winter in Albany)
       0227 Train to Manhattan to son Bruce's, Jill Lamar, Paul Auster
       0310 Train and Bus up to Montreal then to Baddeck
       0420 Wendy's brother Gerry Ulrich
             passed away on Easter Sunday
             see poem in
       05xx Wendy flew down visit Atlanta and Marianne
       06xx Ralph Hanam, repaired Spaceship
             fuel pump and water tank!
             we thought the fuel tank was leaking, horrors!
             but Ralph had the fuel pump rebuilt no more leaks
             freezing winter had strained joints in the (empty?)
             water tank and it starte slowly leaking, horrors!
             Ed and Ralph turned it over and J.B.Welded the aluminum
             welds and painted the tank with Stelflex.
             It hasn't leaked since.
       07xx WE sail Bay St. Lawerenc
           Canso, Ballentyne, Pictou, PEI, Madelienne, Corner Brook
       09xx Hurricane Juan, we move to Maskell's Harbor
           Halifax blown down, PEI marina destroyed
           our two Bulwagga anchors hold in 90 mile winds
       10xx Hauled Spaceship in Baddeck for the winter
       1231 Finished West of Wisdom
2004: Happy New Year, wintered in Baddeck
            editted WOW and KISS, City Printers made copies
            sent query and copies to Lynn Nesbit, Paul Auster
            sent query and copies to Katharin Sands
            bought 92 Mazda Protege car for $900
       0630 planned to sail south in the fall, so moved out of cabin
       0703 started motor trip to family reunion in Missoula, MT
       0702 tented in Blomidon, NS Provincal Park
       0705 ferried Digby, NS to Saint John, NB, St. Henri(motel)
       07xx drove through Quebeq
             to Montreal, to Chicago, to Iowa where Ed lived long ago
             Montana, Vancouver, Montana, back to Baddeck 10,600 miles


       0823 Sold Mazda to Louise and Robert Woodley for $900
       0901 Left Baddeck sailing south hoping for a warm winter
             Lunenburg, New Bedford, Newport, Block I., Cape May
              Bonnie on St. Lawerence, Ivan in Newport, Jeanne in Chesapeake
       1002 Daughter Dale's birthday at Pirate Cove on West River
       1004 Sailed into Solomons Island, spent a month @Catamaran dock
       1017 Family & friends reunion at Susan's, 40 people attended.
       1106 Left Solomons for Crisfield, Ilene and Bermuda reunion
       1108 Norfolk to New Bern on ICW,
       1117 New Bern, Howard & Antonia Barrett
             whom we met in Venzueala in 1985.
       1127 Sailed past Cape Fear and down to Savannah, GA
       1226 Tsunami in Indonesia
       1220 Hillsboro & Pompano, replace spray dodger panels
2005: In the Caribbean again
       01?? New main and mizzen, repaired foresail (Super sailmakers)
       0119 Tim & Joe sail with us to Bimini, Joe sails to Nassau
       0207 Willy & Steve Campos join us in Nassau, sail to Georgetown
       0328 Amy & Austin arrive in Georgetown
       0402 Tim, Kim, Grace, Livvy arrive in Georgetown
       0409 Shelby and Nancy married in Kentucy, W to wedding
       04xx Sent West of Wisdom to
       0527 Spaceship leaves Georgetown for Key West
             Cross the sand bars below Andros Island
             Anchor in Cay Sal banks, see crosses where Cubans died in 97
       0604 Arrive Key West a town we have learned to love
       0610 weathered Arlene in Key West
       0704 weathered Cindy in Key West
       0706 Dennis threatens, we leave Key West and head up Florida Keys
       0708 weathered Dennis in lee of Key Largo, blows 70 knots
             first time ever that Wendy said she was frightened.
       0719 Sailed to Hllsboro, Sands Marina
       0728 We sail 5 days up the Gulf Stream, heading for NY
       0801 Wind dies, we motor into Beuford then New Bern
       0806 Spaceship makes her home at Sheraton Marina perhaps for winter
       0810 summer is hot! we buy our first airconditioner
       0829 Katrina destroys New Orleans
       0914 Ophelia, we hide in Upper Broad Creek off the Nuese River
             tide rises six feet, we can see over marsh we were hiding behind
       0920 We meet lots of sailors at the Marina and in New Bern
       >>>> West of Wisdom finally published an available on internet
       1015 We buy a 1995 plymoth Breeze from Maroth de Marothy for $1400
       1020 Fall, it turns cold, we buy electric heaters
       1025 Dick Murphie and Jo visit, Dick is a friend from Bermuda
       1028 40 copies of West of Wisdom arrive, we're published!
       1119 we drive the Breeze into Virginia, then West Virginia
       1122 At Amy's in Silver Spring for dinner
       1124 Thanksgiving at sister Susan's on Solomon Island
       1126 visit brother Vern in Brandywine, MD where Ed grew up.
       1128 Back to New Bern driving down the outer banks
       1201 Boat is sweating, we vent windows and all is dry
       1216 Drive to Atlanta for a wedding
       1220 visit Andy in Atlanta, Shelby & Nancy in Charlotte NC
2006: New Bern, NC at Sheraton Marinia
       02xx Ed diagnosed with early prostate cancer
       0608 Ed started Cesium therapy (by Julia Purves)
             West of Wisdom published.
             Caribbean Kiss and West of Wisdom available on the internet
       0610 Grandson William Kennard (eyesigh 20/7) wants to fly in
             a hurricane plane. He sailed 2 weeks on Spaceship
             inside the outer banks
       1130 WE start to sail south from NewBern,
             30 knots of following wind, 12 foot seas, too cold,
             we should have kept going south but Ed lost his nerve
             We returned to New Bern for another winter.
2007: New Bern

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