Edwin P. Cutler

Pedestrians screamed and backed away when a grizzly bear crawled out of a cab in downtown New York. But it was not a bear, it was a man. James Vernon Cook pushed back the hood of his bearskin coat and stood in his leather boots, an outfit that had protected him from the ravage of blizzards in his Rocky Mountains. He chuckled at swarms of people squeaking and screaming in the late afternoon streets of downtown Manhattan rushing to and fro to flee the devastation of this dangerous snowstorm. He lifted his face to enjoy the soft feel of snowflakes falling from the sky and wondered if he had brought the storm with him from far North of New York, where three thousand miles away he had soared his pontoon plane through the snow covered peaks of the Canadian Rockies dipping his wings like an eagle. CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO ENLARGE IT

Chapter one

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